Vol 11, No 1 (2009)

Table of Contents


Centerpoint Theorems for Wedges PDF PostScript
Jeff Erickson, Ferran Hurtado, Pat Morin 45-54

Analysis of Algorithms

On-line extensible bin packing with unequal bin sizes PDF PostScript
Deshi Ye, Guochuan Zhang 141-152
Diophantine Approximation, Ostrowski Numeration and the Double-Base Number System PDF PostScript
Valérie Berthé, Laurent Imbert 153-172

Automata, Logic and Semantics

On the length of shortest 2-collapsing words PDF PostScript
Alessandra Cherubini, Andrzej Kisielewicz, Brunetto Piochi 33-44


The distribution of ascents of size d or more in compositions PDF PostScript
Charlotte Alix Brennan, Arnold Knopfmacher 1-10
Asymptotic enumeration on self-similar graphs with two boundary vertices PDF PostScript
Elmar Teufl, Stephan Wagner 11-32
Number of connected spanning subgraphs on the Sierpinski gasket PDF PostScript
Shu-Chiuan Chang, Lung-Chi Chen 55-78
String Pattern Avoidance in Generalized Non-crossing Trees PDF PostScript
Yidong Sun, Zhiping Wang 79-94
The Eulerian distribution on centrosymmetric involutions PDF PostScript
Marilena Barnabei, Flavio Bonetti, Matteo Silimbani 95-116
Enumeration of words by the sum of differences between adjacent letters PDF PostScript
Toufik Mansour 173-186

Graphs and Algorithms

Self-complementing permutations of k-uniform hypergraphs PDF PostScript
Artur Szymański, Adam Paweł Wojda 117-124
Independent sets in (P6,diamond)-free graphs PDF Untitled PostScript
Raffaele Mosca 125-140
Long cycles in hypercubes with distant faulty vertices PDF PostScript
Petr Gregor, Riste Škrekovski 187-200

ISSN: 1365-8050