Vol 16, No 3 (2014)

Table of Contents

Analysis of Algorithms

An algorithmic analysis of Flood-it and Free-Flood-it on graph powers PDF PostScript
Uéverton S. Souza, Fábio Protti, Maise Dantas da Silva 279-290


On permutation complexity of fixed points of uniform binary morphisms PDF PostScript
Alexandr Valyuzhenich 95-128
Biased Weak Polyform Achievement Games PDF PostScript
Nandor Sieben, Ian Norris 147-172
On the Number of Regular Edge Labelings PDF
Kevin Buchin, Bettina Speckmann, Sander Verdonschot 215-228
On the number of radial orderings of planar point sets. PDF PostScript
José Miguel Díaz-Báñez, Ruy Fabila-Monroy, Pablo Pérez-Lantero 291-304
Cell-Paths in Mono- and Bichromatic Line Arrangements in the Plane PDF PostScript
Oswin Aichholzer, Jean Cardinal, Thomas Hackl, Ferran Hurtado, Matias Korman, Alexander Pilz, Rodrigo Silveira, Ryuhei Uehara, Pavl Valtr, Birgit Vogtenhuber, Emo Welzl 317-332

Discrete Algorithms

An Exact Algorithm for the Generalized List T-Coloring Problem PDF PostScript
Konstanty Junosza-Szaniawski, Paweł Rzążewski 77-94
Determining pure discrete spectrum for some self-affine tilings PDF PostScript
Shigeki Akiyama, Franz Gähler, Jeong-Yup Lee 305-316

Graph Theory

Balancedness of subclasses of circular-arc graphs PDF PostScript
Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Martín Darío Safe, Annegret Katrin Wagler 1-22
A Four-Sweep LBFS Recognition Algorithm for Interval Graphs PDF PostScript
Peng Li, Yaokun Wu 23-50
Oriented diameter and rainbow connection number of a graph PDF PostScript
Xiaolong Huang, Hengzhe Li, Xueliang Li, Yuefang Sun 51-60
Conditional Colourings with Given Template PDF PostScript
Peter Dukes, Steve Lowdon, Gary MacGillivray 61-76
Genus distributions of cubic series-parallel graphs PDF
Jonathan L. Gross, Michal Kotrbčík, Timothy Sun 129-146
Bounding the monomial index and (1,l)-weight choosability of a graph PDF PostScript
Ben Seamone 173-188
Packing and covering the balanced complete bipartite multigraph with cycles and stars PDF PostScript
Hung-Chih Lee 189-202
Partitioning the vertex set of a bipartite graph into complete bipartite subgraphs PDF PostScript
Oleg Duginov 203-214
Toppling numbers of complete and random graphs PDF PostScript
Anthony Bonato, William B. Kinnersley, Paweł Prałat 229-252
Generalized Dynamic Storage Allocation PDF PostScript
H.A. Kierstead, Karin Rebecca Saoub 253-262
Partitioning Harary graphs into connected subgraphs containing prescribed vertices PDF PostScript
Olivier Baudon, Julien Bensmail, Eric Sopena 263-278
Detection number of bipartite graphs and cubic graphs PDF PostScript
Frederic Havet, Nagarajan Paramaguru, Rathinasamy Sampathkumar 333-342

ISSN: 1365-8050