24th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2012)

Table of Contents

Regular Contributions

Multi-cluster complexes PostScript PDF
Cesar Ceballos, Jean-Philippe Labbé, Christian Stump 1-8
Crystal energy via charge in types A and C PostScript PDF
Cristian Lenart, Anne Schilling 9-20
The Möbius function of generalized subword order PostScript PDF
Peter R. W. McNamara, Bruce E. Sagan 21-32
Combinatorial Hopf algebra of supercharacters of type D PostScript PDF
Carolina Benedetti 33-44
Modified Growth Diagrams, Permutation Pivots, and the BWX Map φ* PostScript PDF
Jonathan Bloom, Dan Saracino 45-56
Enumeration of Graded (3 + 1)-Avoiding Posets PostScript PDF
Joel Brewster Lewis, Yan X Zhang 57-68
On the degree-chromatic polynomial of a tree PostScript PDF
Diego Cifuentes 69-72
Generalized associahedra via brick polytopes PostScript PDF
Vincent Pilaud, Christian Stump 73-84
Integrality of hook ratios PostScript PDF
Paul-Olivier Dehaye 85-98
Symmetries of the k-bounded partition lattice PostScript PDF
Chris Berg, Mike Zabrocki 99-110
Connections Between a Family of Recursive Polynomials and Parking Function Theory PostScript PDF
Angela Hicks 111-122
Explicit generating series for connection coefficients PostScript PDF
Ekaterina A. Vassilieva 123-134
A Topological Representation Theorem for Tropical Oriented Matroids PostScript PDF
Silke Horn 135-146
An explicit formula for ndinv, a new statistic for two-shuffle parking functions PostScript PDF
Angela Hicks, Yeonkyung Kim 147-156
On the Sperner property and Gorenstein Algebras Associated to Matroids PostScript PDF
Toshiaki Maeno, Yasuhide Numata 157-168
Excedances in classical and affine Weyl groups PostScript PDF
Pietro Mongelli 169-180
New light on Bergman complexes by decomposing matroid types PostScript PDF
Martin Dlugosch 181-190
Uniform block permutations PostScript PDF
Rémi Maurice 191-202
Constructing neighborly polytopes and oriented matroids PostScript PDF
Arnau Padrol 203-214
A simple model of trees for unicellular maps PostScript PDF
Guillaume Chapuy, Valentin Féray, Éric Fusy 215-226
Constructing combinatorial operads from monoids PostScript PDF
Samuele Giraudo 227-238
On an algebraicity theorem of Kontsevich PostScript PDF
Christophe Reutenauer, Marco Robado 239-246
Consecutive patterns in permutations: clusters and generating functions PostScript PDF
Sergi Elizalde, Marc Noy 247-258
Arc Permutations (extended abstract) PostScript PDF
Sergi Elizalde, Yuval Roichman 259-270
Promotion and Rowmotion PostScript PDF
Jessica Striker, Nathan Williams 271-283
Projective invariants of vector configurations PostScript PDF
Andrew Berget, Alex Fink 285-296
Les polynômes eulériens stables de type B PostScript PDF
Mirkó Visontai, Nathan Williams 297-306
Smooth Fano polytopes whose Ehrhart polynomial has a root with large real part PostScript PDF
Hidefumi Ohsugi, Kazuki Shibata 307-312
Combinatorial Reciprocity for Monotone Triangles PostScript PDF
Ilse Fischer, Lukas Riegler 313-324
Arithmetic matroids and Tutte polynomials PostScript PDF
Michele D'Adderio, Luca Moci 325-336
The sandpile model on a bipartite graph, parallelogram polyominoes, and a q,t-Narayana polynomial PostScript PDF
Mark Dukes, Yvan Le Borgne 337-348
The representation of the symmetric group on m-Tamari intervals PostScript PDF
Mireille Bousquet-Mélou, Guillaume Chapuy, Louis-François Préville-Ratelle 349-360
Proofs of two conjectures of Kenyon and Wilson on Dyck tilings PostScript PDF
Jang Soo Kim 361-372
Bases for modules of differential operators of order 2 on the classical Coxeter arrangements PostScript PDF
Norihiro Nakashima 373-384
Fluctuations of central measures on partitions PostScript PDF
Pierre-Loïc Méliot 385-396
On singularity confinement for the pentagram map PostScript PDF
Max Glick 397-408
Generating trees for partitions and permutations with no k-nestings PostScript PDF
Sophie Burrill, Sergi Elizalde, Marni Mishna, Lily Yen 409-420
Permutation Polytopes of Cyclic Groups PostScript PDF
Barbara Baumeister, Christian Haase, Benjamin Nill, Andreas Paffenholz 421-432
The down operator and expansions of near rectangular k-Schur functions PostScript PDF
Chris Berg, Franco Saliola, Luis Serrano 433-444
Riffle shuffles with biased cuts PostScript PDF
Sami Assaf, Persi Diaconis, Kannan Soundararajan 445-456
Skew Pieri Rules for Hall-Littlewood Functions PostScript PDF
Matjaž Konvalinka, Aaron Lauve 457-468
Triangulations of Cayley and Tutte polytopes PostScript PDF
Matjaž Konvalinka, Igor Pak 469-480
Coherent fans in the space of flows in framed graphs PostScript PDF
Vladimir I. Danilov, Alexander V. Karzanov, Gleb A. Koshevoy 481-490
Moment graphs and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials PostScript PDF
Martina Lanini 491-502
Phylogenetic trees and the tropical geometry of flag varieties PostScript PDF
Christopher Manon 503-514
Noncommutative symmetric functions with matrix parameters PostScript PDF
Alain Lascoux, Jean-Christophe Novelli, Jean-Yves Thibon 515-526
EL-Shellability of Generalized Noncrossing Partitions Associated to Well-Generated Complex Reflection Groups PostScript PDF
Henri Mühle 527-538
Chromatic roots as algebraic integers PostScript PDF
Adam Bohn 539-550
Hecke algebra characters and quantum chromatic symmetric functions PostScript PDF
Brittany Shelton, Mark Skandera 551-562
On a Subposet of the Tamari Lattice PostScript PDF
Sebastian A. Csar, Rik Sengupta, Warut Suksompong 563-574
A canonical expansion of the product of two Stanley symmetric functions PostScript PDF
Nan Li 575-586
Classification of Ehrhart polynomials of integral simplices PostScript PDF
Akihiro Higashitani 587-594
Sorting and preimages of pattern classes PostScript PDF
Anders Claesson, Henning Úlfarsson 595-606
A simple formula for the series of bipartite and quasi-bipartite maps with boundaries PostScript PDF
Gwendal Collet, Éric Fusy 607-618
Triangulations of cyclic polytopes PostScript PDF
Steffen Oppermann, Hugh Thomas 619-630
Extremal Statistics on Non-Crossing Configurations PostScript PDF
Anna de Mier, Marc Noy 631-642
Correlations for the Novak process PostScript PDF
Eric Nordenstam, Benjamin Young 643-654
An algorithm which generates linear extensions for a non-simply-laced d-complete poset with uniform probability PostScript PDF
Kento Nakada 655-660
The multivariate arithmetic Tutte polynomial PostScript PDF
Petter Brändén, Luca Moci 661-672
Minimal transitive factorizations of a permutation of type (p,q) PostScript PDF
Jang Soo Kim, Seunghyun Seo, Heesung Shin 673-682
Cumulants of the q-semicircular law, Tutte polynomials, and heaps PostScript PDF
Matthieu Josuat-Vergès 683-696
An injection from standard fillings to parking functions PostScript PDF
Elizabeth Niese 697-708
Star1-convex functions on tropical linear spaces of complete graphs PostScript PDF
Laura Escobar 709-720
Involutions on Baxter Objects PostScript PDF
Kevin Dilks 721-734
A combinatorial formula for fusion coefficients PostScript PDF
Jennifer Morse, Anne Schilling 735-744
Which Schubert varieties are local complete intersections? PostScript PDF
Henning Úlfarsson, Alexander Woo 745-756
Enumeration of permutations sorted with two passes through a stack and D8 symmetries PostScript PDF
Mathilde Bouvel, Olivier Guibert 757-768
Dyck tilings, linear extensions, descents, and inversions PostScript PDF
Jang Soo Kim, Karola Mészáros, Greta Panova, David B. Wilson 769-780
Combinatorial specification of permutation classes PostScript PDF
Frédérique Bassino, Mathilde Bouvel, Adeline Pierrot, Carine Pivoteau, Dominique Rossin 781-792
Enumeration of Cylindric Plane Partitions PostScript PDF
Robin Langer 793-804
Constellations and multicontinued fractions: application to Eulerian triangulations PostScript PDF
Marie Albenque, Jérémie Bouttier 805-816
Flows on Simplicial Complexes PostScript PDF
Matthias Beck, Yvonne Kemper 817-826
Bijections for lattice paths between two boundaries PostScript PDF
Sergi Elizalde, Martin Rubey 827-838
A new edge selection heuristic for computing the Tutte polynomial of an undirected graph PostScript PDF
Michael Monagan 839-850
Asymptotical behaviour of roots of infinite Coxeter groups I PostScript PDF
Christophe Hohlweg, Jean-Philippe Labbé, Vivien Ripoll 851-862
Universal Polynomials for Severi Degrees of Toric Surfaces PostScript PDF
Federico Ardila, Florian Block 863-874
A generalization of the alcove model and its applications PostScript PDF
Cristian Lenart, Arthur Lubovsky 875-886
Cartan invariant matrices for finite monoids PostScript PDF
Nicolas M. Thiéry 887-898
Maximal Newton polygons via the quantum Bruhat graph PostScript PDF
Elizabeth T. Beazley 899-910
q-Floor Diagrams computing Refined Severi Degrees for Plane Curves PostScript PDF
Florian Block 911-922
Lifted generalized permutahedra and composition polynomials PostScript PDF
Federico Ardila, Jeffrey Doker 923-934
The ABC's of affine Grassmannians and Hall-Littlewood polynomials PostScript PDF
Avinash J. Dalal, Jennifer Morse 935-946
Flow polytopes and the Kostant partition function for signed graphs PostScript PDF
Karola Mészàros, Alejandro H. Morales 947-960
Perturbation of central transportation polytopes of order k × n PostScript PDF
Fu Liu 961-974
Extending from bijections between marked occurrences of patterns to all occurrences of patterns PostScript PDF
Jeffrey Remmel, Mark Tiefenbruck 975-980
An inequality of Kostka numbers and Galois groups of Schubert problems PostScript PDF
Christopher J. Brooks, Abraham Martín del Campo, Frank Sottile 981-992

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