Table of Contents
Automata, Logic and Semantics
Interaction properties of relational periods | PDF PostScript |
Tomi Kärki, Tero Harju, Vesa Halava |
VC-dimensions of random function classes | PDF PostScript |
Bernard Ycart, Joel Ratsaby |
On quadratic residue codes and hyperelliptic curves | PDF PostScript |
David Joyner |
Sufficient Conditions for Labelled 0-1 Laws | PDF PostScript |
Stanley Burris, Karen Yeats |
Graphs and Algorithms
Strong oriented chromatic number of planar graphs without short cycles | PDF PostScript |
Mickaël Montassier, Pascal Ochem, Alexandre Pinlou |
Bounded-Degree Graphs have Arbitrarily Large Queue-Number | PDF PostScript |
David R. Wood |
Total domination in K5- and K6-covered graphs | PDF PostScript |
Odile Favaron, Hosein Karami, Seyed Mahmoud Sheikholeslami |
Recurrence among trees with most numerous efficient dominating sets | PDF PostScript |
Dorota Bród, Zdzisław Skupień |
Minimum Feedback Vertex Sets in Distance Graphs and Circulant Graphs | PDF PostScript |
Hamamache Kheddouci, Olivier Togni |
On Hereditary Helly classes of graphs | PDF PostScript |
Marina Groshaus, Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter |
The Laplacian Spread of a Tree | PDF PostScript |
Yi-Zheng Fan, Jing Xu, Yi Wang, Dong Liang |
ISSN: 1365-8050