DMTCS Proceedings, 2007 Conference on Analysis of Algorithms, AofA 07

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Degree distribution of random Apollonian network structures and Boltzmann sampling

Alexis Darrasse, Michèle Soria


Random Apollonian networks have been recently introduced for representing real graphs. In this paper we study a modified version: random Apollonian network structures (RANS), which preserve the interesting properties of real graphs and can be handled with powerful tools of random generation. We exhibit a bijection between RANS and ternary trees, that transforms the degree of nodes in a RANS into the size of particular subtrees. The distribution of degrees in RANS can thus be analysed within a bivariate Boltzmann model for the generation of random trees, and we show that it has a Catalan form which reduces to a power law with an exponential cutoff: αk k-3/2, with α= 8/9. We also show analogous distributions for the degree in RANS of higher dimension, related to trees of higher arity.

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