DMTCS Proceedings, 26th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2014)

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On Bruhat posets associated to compositions

Mahir Bilen Can, Yonah Cherniavsky


The purpose of this work is to initiate a combinatorial study of the Bruhat-Chevalley ordering on certain sets of permutations obtained by omitting the parentheses from their standard cyclic notation. In particular, we show that these sets form bounded, graded, unimodal, rank-symmetric and EL-shellable posets. Moreover, we determine the homotopy types of the associated order complexes.
Résumé. Le but de ce travail est de lancer une étude combinatoire de l'ordre de Bruhat-Chevalley sur certains ensembles de permutations obtenues en omettant les parenthèses de leur notation cyclique standard. En particulier, nous montrons que ces ensembles forment borné, classé, unimodale, rang-symétrique et posets EL-shellable. De plus, nous déterminons les types de complexes d'ordre associés d'homotopie.

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